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The closed fist vs. the open palm — how letting go of control saves you energy

Added on by Sven Mahr | Zen Coaching.

Closed Fist vs. Open Hand

... The closed fist or open palm is also our very mind. Stress in all it’s forms comes from our desire to control things, to be in charge. We use our energy and will power to get where we want to be, and if things do not fall into place as we wish to, we get angry, upset, sad. We might start blaming ourselves and others for our misfortune, and maybe even use more force. We get tight — in the mind and in our bodies. That leads to pain and suffering for ourselves and others.

A rested and resilient mind/heart is clear and spacious like the sky, things can freely float in it like clouds float in the sky. Things can freely come and go. There is no holding because, what do you want to hold onto anyway? Nothing ever sticks to space. Clouds don’t leave a mark in the sky when they float trough. Stuff just goes trough space without leaving a mark on space ever. Consider the freedom and peace that this implies...

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